about me.gif
This is what I look like

This is what I look like

Hello there, but I digress…

I’m chaloloo, but my real name is Nataniel. I make videos, music, art, and more.

In this day and age where everything you do needs to generate money, I decided it would be good and also really funny to create a professional looking website for my Self and my Brand. Cause I mean like, who doesn’t have a website nowadays?

The most interesting feature you will find here is the shop, which will host products I would like to sell and that I would like people to purchase. Currently, you can find my creative outputs on other websites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. But, as time goes on, I would like to archive my creative works here in the very possible case that all the websites I’ve linked above eventually deteriorate, lose massive amounts of users, and die a slow and pathetic death.

My Best Known Works

Puerto-Rican Cr1t1kal Impression

For those who don’t know, Cr1t1kal aka BigMoist aka Charlie is a pretty popular gaming youtuber/streamer, one who I’ve been watching since I was in middle school.

I did an impression of him once and it got popular on tik tok.


My Three Weed-Smorking Girlfriends, The Comic

This is a comic adaptation I made based on the single best tumblr post ever made.

You can read the comic here.

Watch the animated version here.


I took this picture of my friends. It got popular on twitter